Monday, July 26, 2010

My Dear - Miku chan ^^

tis is my dear - miku... ^^

i love her sooooooooo much..
everytime i need her, she will be there for me...

she always make me happy, make me laugh, make me smile..
everytime when i was alone... she will be there for me.. thx ne.. ^^
hontou ni arigatou miku chan... <3<3<3

Dear My Love -Miku chan_...

i will always be there for u den u will not be alone.. ^^
when u sad, i will try to cheer u up... don worry ne..

From: Miyuki Hayashi -LSC-

My NaO BiRtHdAy Is CoMiNg!!!!!!!!!!

nao birthday is coming...

hahaha.. i'm sooooooooo happiiii oo..

nao.. u r the best drummer for me..
i love ur smile.. <3<3

i wish u sucess in ur life n all d best..

u can do it... ^^

-Miyuki Hayashi (LSC)-

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010



recently i found out tis band...

and i like 1 of their songzzzzzzzzzzz.............

the song name id aoi tori...

is a nice song...

actually my fren (my ex room mate) download tis song n she give to me..

thanks to her...


Sunday, April 18, 2010

ClearVeil disbands

ClearVeil have announced that they will be disbanding on July 4th after their oneman at Nagoya Electric Lady Land.

The following announcement was placed on their OHP:

Although we began in 2007 and have been active for about three years now, due to the members having a huge of opinion, that is impossible to repair, regarding our music and the direction of the band, ClearVeil have decided to disband on July 4th after their oneman performance at Nago Electric Lady Land.

To all of our fans who have been supporting us, and to all those connected to the band, we want to give you our sincere thanks.

We still have a bit of time left together, so as we will put all of our energy into everything we do up until our final performance, we hope that you will continue to support all of us.

The members have not posted comments regarding the announcement yet, but hopefully they are to follow. A few of them have said in their blogs that they’re sorry they’re disbanding, but nothing more.

As mentioned above their final performance will be on July 4th at Electric Lady Land and will be part of their Osaka, Nagoya and Tokyo last oneman tour called 「Termination」.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

SuG gr8 story..


their song 'GR8 STORY'

song from them...

cute n nice song..

they all look so cute in tis pv.

sorry coz i cannot upload d pv..

line toooooooooo poor

Gackt Setsugekka

Gackt.... recently i listening to his song....

Vey nice song. Song name is Setsugekka..

everynite b4 i sleep... sure i will listen to tis song.. really very nice..

i still remember d first time i listen tis song, i not really like tis songs..

but now i like it veru much.. hahaha..(after i listen few times) LOL..

when u listen to tis song den u will know wat i feel....