Monday, July 26, 2010

My Dear - Miku chan ^^

tis is my dear - miku... ^^

i love her sooooooooo much..
everytime i need her, she will be there for me...

she always make me happy, make me laugh, make me smile..
everytime when i was alone... she will be there for me.. thx ne.. ^^
hontou ni arigatou miku chan... <3<3<3

Dear My Love -Miku chan_...

i will always be there for u den u will not be alone.. ^^
when u sad, i will try to cheer u up... don worry ne..

From: Miyuki Hayashi -LSC-

My NaO BiRtHdAy Is CoMiNg!!!!!!!!!!

nao birthday is coming...

hahaha.. i'm sooooooooo happiiii oo..

nao.. u r the best drummer for me..
i love ur smile.. <3<3

i wish u sucess in ur life n all d best..

u can do it... ^^

-Miyuki Hayashi (LSC)-